Get into WorkMode
We help you focus on work by watching you through a webcam. This method is called body doubling, and it’s extremely effective in boosting work performance.
We prevent you from watching YouTube, playing games, and wasting time on social media. We make sure that you show up to work every day and we stay with you till its end.
Bill more hours, finish your assignments on time, reduce your backlog. Test it today, for free. No strings attached and no CC required. Real humans, no bots, no AI.

What our users say
Thanks to WorkMode, I can finally enjoy my free time without a constant feeling of guilt, and have confidence in my ability to get things done.
Discovering WorkMode has been a game-changer for me. I used to procrastinate so much before. With their continuous monitoring and regular check-ins, my productivity soared tenfold. I was genuinely surprised by how much I accomplished. It's like having a productivity mentor by your side, pushing you to achieve more. I can't thank them enough for helping me. Highly recommend !!
WorkMode has been a game changer for my motivation and productivity. Before, working felt like a chore that I would procrastinate doing. Now that I have the support and accountability of WorkMode, I feel focused and motivated to complete my work.
We help you focus on your work
What do we do?
We make sure that you work. We connect you to a WorkMode employee whose only goal is to watch you work and make sure that you reach your daily work hours. This method is called body doubling and has been tested with great success by ADHD community.
Every day you connect with us via a video call and we stay with you for the whole work day. If you don’t show up for work – we call you. If you’re gone from your computer for more than a few minutes – we call you. From time to time we’ll ask you what you’re doing, and if you read Reddit, watch Netflix or do anything non-work related – we tell you to go back to work. You can also share your screen with us.
It’s amazingly simple yet very effective.
How it works
Step 1: Connect
Step 2: Set up webcam
Step 3: Say "Hello"
Step 4: Get to work!
Click on the button below to connect with us through the browser. You don’t need to install anything on your device.
Turn your webcam/smartphone so that it faces – if you don’t have a webcam you can share your screen through our web app.
Join the session to be connected to a real person. Say “Hello”, we’ll say “Hello” too. If you want to, feel free to ask a quick question. Then, we watch you work.
It’s that simple.
We don’t use bots, AI, or tracking apps to monitor you. Every day you connect to the same person. No screenshots, no video recordings.
The most productive hour in your life
Connect with us for a free session and make the next hour the most productive time of your life.
The test session is free. There is no registration and no credit card details are required – you don’t even need to provide an email address. No strings attached.
What if it doesn’t work for you? You can quit any time.
Why it works
Interacting with a real person is the key to our method. It’s easy to not turn on your time tracking app or to not start a Pomodoro session. It’s not easy to admit to someone that you haven’t been working, to slack around when someone watches you. It’s hard enough that you might as well work instead.
You always work with the same person. We don’t use bots, AI, or tracking apps to monitor you.

How do we manage to charge just $2.5/hr?
Every WorkMode employee works with several people simultaneously. Each WorkMode user connects with us in seperate, secure and private session. Sessions are never shared between users. Thanks to that we are able to offer our services for fraction of the cost of hiring full-time employee. Our initial investment into WorkMode allows us to focus on the quality of our service, not on its financial side. Most importantly - you are not our product. WorkMode is based in European Union, where privacy laws are very strict. We don't record audio, video, or screenshots. We don't collect or share data with 3rd parties (beyond standard website analytics for our own purposes). See our privacy policy. The only source of our income is your subscription.Free
2 hours per week, Free- 8 hours/month of free usage
- Improved motivation and focus
- Good for mild procrastinators
- Privacy: no recording, no screenshots
10 hours per week, $2.5 per hour- 3 days of free trial period
- no credit card required
- Improved motivation and focus
- Secure screen sharing
- Pomodoro, To-Do list included
- Privacy: no recording, no screenshots
- Cancel any time
Solid Start
15 hours per week, $2.5 per hour- 3 days of free trial period
- no credit card required
- Improved motivation and focus
- Secure screen sharing
- Pomodoro, To-Do list included
- Privacy: no recording, no screenshots
- Cancel any time
Part Time
20 hours per week, $2.5 per hour- 3 days of free trial period
- no credit card required
- Improved motivation and focus
- Secure screen sharing
- Pomodoro, To-Do list included
- Privacy: no recording, no screenshots
- Cancel any time
Deep Work
30 hours per week, $2.5 per hour- 3 days of free trial period
- no credit card required
- Improved motivation and focus
- Secure screen sharing
- Pomodoro, To-Do list included
- Privacy: no recording, no screenshots
- Cancel any time
Full Time
40 hours per week, $2.5 per hour- 3 days of free trial period
- no credit card required
- Improved motivation and focus
- Secure screen sharing
- Pomodoro, To-Do list included
- Privacy: no recording, no screenshots
- Cancel any time
Be a doer, not a to-doer
Stable work hours
Tell us your desired work hours and we’ll make sure you stick to them. Set your daily, weekly, and monthly goals.
Finish overdue tasks
With increased and stable work hours you’ll finally be able to shrink your to-do list (maybe even clear it completely!).
Achieve your goals
You probably have a goal that you promised yourself years ago to have achieved by now. Imagine if you had spent 30 minutes on it every day. Where would you be today?
Regain work-life balance
Do you work from home? Do you spend most of your day at work but not actually working? Are you neither at work nor at home? We’ve been there.
Let’s increase how much you actually work and decrease how much time you are at work.
Spend the saved time with your family, learn that new thing you’ve been wanting to do for months or just do more of what you enjoy!

How much have you done today?
Don’t put WorkMode on your to-do-never list
Chances are that you’re yet to do any work today. You might consider WorkMode to be an interesting idea, but you just don’t have time to try it – after all, you’re busy reading random pages on the web and watching YouTube. Break this destructive pattern, join us.
Stop Procrastinating
Start Working
Be 200% more productive
Our users often spend 2-3h/day (or even less) doing any productive work. With body doubling and WorkMode, they usually boost their productivity by 200% and eliminate zero-days completely.
Finish tasks on time
How many times have you failed to deliver a project on time?
Stop putting things off for later. Complete your tasks on time.
Start being the reliable person in your team. Your boss and contractors will love it.
Regain work-life balance
Do you work from home?
Do you spend most of your day at work but not actually working? Are you neither at work nor at home? We’ve been there.
Let us make sure that you do your work and then go and have a life.
Work with one person
Social anxiety affects many people suffering from procrastination. Interacting with new people might be challenging, especially if it happens every day. At WorkMode, you always work with the same partner.
Embrace Deep Work
Unlike other services, we don’t force you to take a break every 30-50 minutes. Uninterrupted work allows you to “get into the zone”, enter “the flow state,” and do the deep work. Enter the state of your highest productivity and focus.
Your privacy is incredibly important to us. We do not keep audio or video recordings of you or your screen. When screen-sharing we apply very low settings for resolution and quality – enough to recognize when you switch to Reddit, but not enough to see what you type.
Yes, this is a real person
No, it's not an AI, robot, or a prerecorded video. This person will help you stay productive.
How to start
- ✔️ Decide to beat procrastination - done!
- Connect your webcam.
- Say "Hello" and tell us what you will work on.
- Start working. Start with a 15-minute session.
Don't close the popup during the session - it will end it.
Privacy in nutshell
We don't record or store video, audio, or screenshots. We do not gather nor process your data for advertising purposes. Our only source of revenue is a subscription to our service. Read more on our privacy policy page.
Is there a trial period?
Yes, the first three days of our service are completely free. We want you to be sure that WorkMode helps you.
Do you have any setup suggestions?
Yes, see our setup suggestions
Do you support screen sharing of multiple displays?
Not directly. However, you can use tools like OBS to combine multiple displays into one virtual display. You can then share the virtual display through OBS as a webcam. This works pretty well. Maciej, CEO of WorkMode, uses OBS to share his four 4k displays as one virtual webcam.
I'm an employer and I want to monitor my employees.
Sorry. WorkMode is not a monitoring service. It’s not a tool for employers to track the performance of their employees. And it never will be.
WorkMode provides help to people struggling with chronic procrastination. If you feel your employees might benefit from using WorkMode, contact us and we’ll set up accounts for them. Please note that under no circumstances will we share the performance of any of your employees with you. We’re open to providing aggregated, anonymized data. Contact us for details.
WorkMode aims to be a tool people love to use, not a tool people dread to think about. We hope some employers might consider it to be a job perk.
What if I need a break?
Just tell us that you’re taking a break and how long it’s going to be. We’ll make sure that you stick to your plan.
When I share my screen, do you see any sensitive data?
No. When you share your screen with us, the resolution and quality of the feed is sufficient to recognize what you’re watching, but not enough to see what you type.
Of course, while extremely unlikely, if you display sensitive data written in a very big font, we will be able to see it. While we and our employees are prohibited from discussing and sharing any such information, you might have obligations to 3rd parties. In such cases, you can always hide your screen and switch to a webcam.
Do you register what I type on the keyboard or my mouse movements?
No. We do not have the capability nor any intention to capture your mouse movement or whatever you type on your keyboard during sessions.
Do you keep screenshots or video recordings of me?
We do not make nor store screenshots or video recordings of any webcam feed or desktop screen you share with us.
We respect your privacy. In addition, storing private, sensitive data would be problematic for us as a company, even if we wanted to – so we do everything not to gather it in the first place.
Is today your zero-day?
It’s super important to start today, not tomorrow. Start now.